SIKLAS store is one of the most famous and leading stores of men's clothing and footwear in Ioannina.
Design of the e-shop is modern and functional, while development was based on wapp's custom ecommerce management system.
Our custom e-shop content management platform, offers many features for searching products by selecting various filters including brand, price, size, color or extra attributes, helping visitors easily find the desired product.
Visitors of the e-commerce website can search for and buy online all the latest products in the clothing and shoes industry, including famous brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Joop, Fred Perry, Milestone, Brimarts and many more.
Payment methods include:
- - Cash on delivery.
- - Credit / debit card issued to any bank.
- - Payment via Paypal.
- - Deposit in a bank account.
Store's exact location can be found through interactive Google Maps.
Particular care has been taken in relation to website's SEO techniques (Search Engine Optimization), so that via the content management system, every single page automatically sends all necessary information that search engines need.
Finally, the e-shop has been designed with responsive techniques, so that the eshop can adapt on different screen sizes of mobile phones, tablets, notebook and desktop computers. This way all website visitors have the same user experience, regardless of how they access it.