ZOUKIS stores have managed to be distinguished in the market of footwear having in mind the good and quality branded shoe. Since 1975, the company operates in Ioannina, with 3 stores at the center of the city, providing a wide variety of footwear and accessories in cooperation with the bigger but also better quality Greek and international brands.
At Love My Shoes eshop you can search for and buy online shoes, bags and accessories of famous companies at competitive prices, such as Boxer, Timberland, Toms, Replay, Envie, Sante, Boss Shoes etc.
Eshop's design is functional and its development is based on wapp's custom ecommerce management system.
Multiple product search capabilities are provided by selecting filters including brand, price, discount rate or extra attributes, helping visitors easily find what they are looking for.
As far as payment methods are concern, they can be completed in the following ways:
- credit / debit / prepaid card,
- cash on delivery,
- online payment through Paypal,
- bank account deposit.
The eshop we developed has, also, a special application to interact with the product search engines of Skroutz and BestPrice.
The SEO techniques we applied aim at optimizing the online store for search engines.
Finally, the dynamic changes of the website's appearance are due to the responsive web design. Thus, it can adapt on different screen sizes of portable devices and desktop computers which are used to view it, so that all users have the same navigation experience.