Ergosimansi operates in the market of personal protective equipment for workers, indoor and outdoor signage, road maintenance and parking and outdoor equipment with ramps, benches etc. in Ioannina since 1999.
In 2019 we developed ergosimansi.gr, an eshop based on wapp's custom ecommerce management system which presents business' products, services and premises.
Company's exact location can be found through interactive Google Maps.
Visitors of the e-commerce website can search for a specific item by category, color, material or value, and make an online purchase. Thus, plenty of payment methods are provided, like cash on delivery, wire transfer, credit card and PayPal.
However, particular care has been taken in relation to website's SEO, so that via the content management system, every single page automatically sends all necessary information that search engines need.
The development of the eshop was based on responsive web design technologies, so that it can adapt on different screen sizes of mobile phones, tablets, notebook and desktop computers. This way all website visitors have the same user experience, regardless of how they access it.