Dynamiko Tutoring Lessons in Ioannina prepare high school students for admission to departments of Universities, while supporting secondary school students covering their needs, in order to build a solid foundation for high school.
With the greater success rate in university exams, Dynamiko Tutoring Lessons is considered as one of the largest schools of the city of Ioannina.
We developed a dynamic website for Dynamiko Tutoring Lessons in order to present the services provided to students and the lessons taught.
On the website we integrated wapp's content management system to allow for fast and easy editing of the lessons and material covered, as well as the teachers and successful students at previous exams.
On the website of Dynamiko Tutoring Lessons we designed, there is a seperate section regarding news and events they organize, with plenty of photographs available.
Additionally we developed a special section with training material, where students can download past exams and national exams questions with their answers, while more information on professional orientation is provided.