Pindos Ioannina Agricultural Poultry Farming Cooperative is being active for 60 years in the production of high quality, healthy and tasty chickens. The certified and perennial activity has gained the trust of consumers and the products of the Cooperative are served daily on the table οf Greek and foreign households.
Simultaneously, Pindos, has modern factories and facilities for the production of feed, chicks, fertilizers and other products, always with the aim of servicing both its farmers and poultry producers and its demanding professionals.
Aiming at the comprehensive presentation of the Cooperative and the products produced by Pindos, wapp designed and created its website. Visitors can be informed of all its products, learn about the operation of the factories, and discover recipes based on Pindos products.
wapp designed a modern and stylish website, compatible with tablets and smartphones, using all the latest web development techniques. The website is based on the content management system developed by wapp company. The result of the renewed design offers the Cooperative a detailed and comprehensive presentation and visitors an easy and pleasant navigation into the website.
In addition to the development of the Cooperative’s website, in order to promote further its brand name, a Facebook contest was created, through which users by liking the page and answering a few simple questions, can participate in a draw for many prizes. Futhermore a mechanism was developed that allows /strong>Facebook users increase their participations in the draw, by inviting their friends to play in the contest.